15 degrees capricorn:
next eclipse january 5 2019
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Eclipse Watch 2019

Our app keeps track of the eclipses for you and notifies you of the each eclipse 30 days before, on the eclipse date, and 30 days after. We also give a brief reading as to what axis it hits and how it will effect you

  • Solar Eclipse Jan 5 15 Cap 32

    Solar Eclipse January 5 2019 at 15 degrees Capricorn. Those most effected will be anyone with planets at 15 degrees Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries.

  • Lunar Eclipse Jan 20 00 Leo 49

    Lunar Eclipse January 20 2019 at zero degrees Leo. Those most effected will be anyone with planets at zero degrees Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio.

  • Solar Eclipse Jul 2 10 Can 42

    Solar Eclipse July 2 2019 at 10 degrees cancer. Those most effected will be the those who have planets at 10 degrees of the cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries.

  • Lunar Eclipse Jul 16 24 Cap 01

    Lunar Eclipse July 16 2019 at 24 degrees Capricorn. Those most effected will be those with planets at 24 degrees Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries.

  • Solar Eclipse Dec 25 04 Cap 10

    Solar Eclipse Christmas Day December 25 2019 at 4 degrees Capricorn. Those most effected will be those with planets at 4 degrees Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries.

The Moon / Your Moon

Download our app and enter your date of birth and we can tell you where your moon is. We also keep track of your lunar returns for you. This gives you a mini reading for the month with an option for a complete lunar return report purchase

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Moon Void of Course

Download our app to be easily keep track of the lunar void of course. It's useful for everyone, but when you are around mentally unstable people, this really helps. Know when to stay clear. We keep track for you.

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